Friday 12 August 2011

Famine in Somalia - Photos from the East African Hunger Crisis

Famine in Somalia
Somalia has been hit by the worst famine in the last 20 years. Famine in Somalia was declared by the United Nations in late July 2011. According to reports drought and famine has already kill more that 30000 children under the age of 5 in the last 90 days. Approximately 11.5 million people have been affected in this region by the drought. Two regions in southern Somalia claims a malnutrition rate of 50 percent and less. 10,000 humans dying each day of hunger and malnutrition. U.N. states that 640,000 children in Somalia are actually malnourished, further suggesting that the death toll of small children will rise in the days to come. With the 270-percent inflation rate in the country it has made it financially impossible for companies to import food and medicine. Here are some very sorry photos of a place in the world where we live and call our self's humans but are unable to help a child who is dying every hour every kilometer away.

Photos from the East African Hunger Crisis:

Photo's Source:

Thursday 11 August 2011

Crisis in UK - Photos: England Riots Spreads Like Fire in Districts Across London

UK Riots 2011 : England is struck with a series of violence and attack by its own people. The wave of violence and looting seem will never stop. The unrest is spreading like wild fire across many British cities and already spread across 11 districts crisis London.

English authorities are unable to control or to take hold of Britain's worst people's unrest since the race riots in 1980's which set London ablaze.

Continuing riots in Britain expose frustration of the youth with a governing system that they feel has failed them.

We bring together for you photos from the streets of London:

Please feel free to share your comments and views regarding this situation in England. Who is to blame for this? Was this the only way through which the youth could protest? I would like a British National if by chance he visits this blog to share his thoughts. Others are also welcomed to comment what ever they feel about this situation in UK.

I pray for Peace and Harmony for the people in England. Hoping all gets back to normal at the earliest.